
Blogging in Bed. Yup, you can totally do it! I mean, I guess you could write a blog post in bed using a laptop, too. But right now, I’m using my phone and the WordPress app. It’s pretty nice.

So let’s keep things simple today, day fifteen of my social media break. Two pictures, a few words, as many words as I’m inspired to write and then type with my thumbs.

Did you know I first learned how to type correctly on a red IBM Selectric typewriter? It’s true! I loved the way the keys were disconnected from the typing (you’d press a key and some other mechanism turns and tilts a ball to the correct angle then thwaps the letter-ball against the ink ribbon then onto the paper…a character!) and they made a nice loud clicking sound when you pushed them down. One of my favorite keyboards. My least favorite being the Atari 400/800 chiclet keyboards. Ick!

Anyway…. Here’s a picture!

Vegan Ice cream for dessert

Did you know they make vegan cookies, ice cream and whipped topping? It’s true!

Also, I did another Iron Photographer today….

Flower, complementary colors, straight line

I’m really enjoying going back into the vault of Utata’s Iron Photographer project. This one’s…27? From 2007. So many years ago. But being able to go back, and give yourself a random assignment from a bygone era is a lot of fun.

So that’s basically it for today. A simple post to keep my brain happy, and to also keep my thumbs both exercised and not worn out.

See you tomorrow for day sixteen!

I 3D design and print coffee stencils!